
16 best chat platforms in 2023

   When you hear the term chat platform, what first comes to mind? Probably one of the three: an app to talk to coworkers, an app to talk to your friends, or an  in-app chat where you engage in conversations with customers . Due to the newest Digital Markets Act issued by the EU Parliament and Council, the Big Tech gatekeepers will have to open their APIs to interoperate with other messaging platforms. This means that users will have more choice: they will not be limited to use the household name just because others use it. Stand-out features and communication security are becoming more important.  That’s why,  in this article, we bring you an overview of 15 most popular chat platforms in all three categories.  Find out what are the advantages of each chat app for team collaboration, customer support, and private communication - and how they stand out from the rest. What is a chat platform? Chat platform is a software that enables chat to take place.  However, conversations are taking

best chat platforms in 2023

<data:view.title.escaped/>   When you hear the term chat platform, what first comes to mind? Probably one of the three: an app to talk to coworkers, an app to talk to your friends, or an  in-app chat where you engage in conversations with customers . Due to the newest Digital Markets Act issued by the EU Parliament and Council, the Big Tech gatekeepers will have to open their APIs to interoperate with other messaging platforms. This means that users will have more choice: they will not be limited to use the household name just because others use it. Stand-out features and communication security are becoming more important.  That’s why,  in this article, we bring you an overview of 15 most popular chat platforms in all three categories.  Find out what are the advantages of each chat app for team collaboration, customer support, and private communication - and how they stand out from the rest. What is a chat platform? Chat platform is a software that e